Hackathon teams

# Data
Name Iron of Zeus
Link to github http://gitbub.com/Iron_of_Zeus
Who is the captain
How ready is the team 29
is the team ready to compete? True
Avatar ../../../../static/image/default/team/avatar_1.svg
Table number 4
Description A team of employees from NewComputerVision
Command active or not False
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# Data
Name Healing art
Link to github http://gitbub.com/healing_art
Who is the captain
How ready is the team 92
is the team ready to compete? True
Avatar teams/team_6/avatar/854.jpg
Table number 1
Description A team of programmers led by a physiotherapist.
Command active or not False
View Team
# Data
Name Cool beavers
Link to github http://gitbub.com/cool_beavers
Who is the captain
How ready is the team 30
is the team ready to compete? True
Avatar ../../../../static/image/default/team/avatar_1.svg
Table number 9
Description We are a team of cool beavers, we are making a system for recognizing accidents in residential areas.
Command active or not False
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